Kozlov, Y., Martinez Esturo, J., Seidel, H.-P., and Weinkauf, T.
Regularized Harmonic Surface Deformation
CoRR 1408.3326. 2014
Wang, Z., Martinez Esturo, J., Seidel, H.-P., and Weinkauf, T.
Pattern Search in Flows based on Similarity of Stream Line Segments
Proc. VMV, EG, (to appear). 2014
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Günther, T., Schulze, M., Martinez Esturo, J., Rössl, C., and Theisel, H.
Opacity Optimization for Surfaces
Comput. Graph. Forum (Proc. EuroVis) 33, 3, 11–20. 2014
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Schulze, M., Martinez Esturo, J., Günther, T., et al.
Sets of Globally Optimal Stream Surfaces for Flow Visualization
Comput. Graph. Forum (Proc. EuroVis) 33, 3, 1–10. 2014
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Martinez Esturo, J.
Geometrische Formen in Vektorfeldern
In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2013 (German). GI, 131–141. 2014
Martinez Esturo, J., Rössl, C., and Theisel, H.
Smoothed Quadratic Energies on Meshes
ACM Trans. Graph. 34, 1, 2:1–2:12. 2014
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Martinez Esturo, J.
Shapes in Vector Fields (PhD thesis)
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Martinez Esturo, J., Schulze, M., Rössl, C., and Theisel, H.
Global Selection of Stream Surfaces
Comput. Graph. Forum (Proc. Eurographics) 32, 2, 113–122. 2013
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Martinez Esturo, J., Rössl, C., and Theisel, H.
Generalized Metric Energies for Continuous Shape Deformation
Springer LNCS (Proc. Curves and Surfaces 2012) 8177, 1, 135–157. 2013
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Martinez Esturo, J., Schulze, M., Rössl, C., and Theisel, H.
Poisson-based Tools for Flow Visualization
Proc. PacificVis, IEEE, 241–248. 2013
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Martinez Esturo, J., Rössl, C., and Theisel, H.
Continuous Deformations by Isometry Preserving Shape Integration
Springer LNCS (Proc. Curves and Surfaces 2010) 6920, 1, 456–472. 2012
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Martinez Esturo, J., Rössl, C., Fröhlich, S., Botsch, M., and Theisel, H.
Pose Correction by Space-Time Integration
Proc. VMV, EG, 33–40. 2011
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Martinez Esturo, J., Rössl, C., and Theisel, H.
Continuous Deformations of Implicit Surfaces
Proc. VMV, EG, 219–226. 2010
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Martinez Esturo, J., Rössl, C., and Theisel, H.
Multiple Aligned Characteristic Curves for Surface Fairing
Springer LNCS (Proc. International Symposium on Visual Computing) 5358, 1, 1157–1166. 2008
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